BBC carries 3-minute feature on Malta’s spring hunting
BBC reporter Jez Toogood visits Malta during the 2013 spring hunting season and speaks to both hunting federation FKNK and environment NGO BirdLife Malta.
BBC has carried a 3-minute feature on Malta's spring hunting season of 2013. BBC reporter Jez Toogood talks to both FKNK and BirdLife Malta as he attempts to depict a picture of hunting on the island.
BBC also notes that the government had to call in the Armed Forces of Malta to aid the police in its monitoring of the hunters.

The RSPB has today announced that they fear the Turtle Dove may become extinct in the UK, numbers have declined by 80 per cent since 1995. For everyone that has asked, what has this story got to do with the BBC, does that answer your question? Hunting isn't the only threat but it obviously doesn't help.

Is it possible that this BBC reporter doesnt know that at this same time in England of all places hunters are shooting as many wood pigeons as they like as this bird can be shot at all year round! And niow one can even go in spibng to shoot the Canada Goose as this has been declared a pest by the UK government! Do you think we are abunch of fools?

why do other have to interfere in others people's business. Don't they have enough of their own to film about?
Do they still hunt the fox, or the fox can be killed?
They bombed Libya to get ret of Gaddafi but they didn't have the B...s to do so to Assad. Do they have any interest not to do so . Or humans are less worth than animals nowadays.

BBC ma jafux fejn hu hal ghaxaq biex jigi jaraw crusher go nofs rahal li qiedgha toqtol in nies bl astmha kwantita kbira ta trab u storbju gor rahal shih u x permess ghandhom?