Spain investigated over EHIC issues

EU Commission asks Spain to explain why health authorities rejected European Health Insurance Card.

Spain is facing legal action by the European Commission after public hospitals refused free health care to holders of the EU health card.

The EU Commission has asked the Spanish government for an explanation as to why a number of hospitals told European resident that they should claim treatment costs from their travel insurance. The tourists were in possession of a valid EHIC Card, which entitles the bearer to free medical treatment at public hospitals.

The main aim of the EHIC is to cover emergency treatment when EU nationals are abroad. In certain cases it also covers pre-existing condition however the EHIC is rendered invalid if the doctors believe the treatment can wait until the tourist returns home.

A spokesperson for the Commission held that it received hundreds of complaint by tourists against the Spanish health authorities resulting in higher private treatment costs being passed to insurance companies. Through the use of the EHIC these bills would be footed by the EU national's home health service. Spain will be fined if found guilty of breaching procedures.

In his reaction a spokesperson for the Spanish Ministry for Health told news agencies that in Spain the EHIC has worked properly for years and that it is the patient himself who decided which paperwork to file following his treatment.

A disgruntled British tourist claimed that when he presented the EHIC card the hospital staff simply dismissed it and asked for a credit card and insurance details. Another EU traveller alleged that after being hospitalised for a month, a Spanish debt collection company acting on behalf of the hospital demanded his insurance to pay £54,000.



Joseph MELI
Its happened lot in Greece also and to some extent in Portugal-most of the bailout countries in fact