'US snooping endangers fundamental right to privacy' - Tonio Borg

European institutions with harsh words against the US on the PRISM scandal. Tonio Borg the first EU commissioner to break the silence.

Commissioner Tonio Borg.
Commissioner Tonio Borg.

The European Parliament yesterday slammed the US over the PRISM data leakage scandal. During the same plenary, Tonio Borg was the first EU commissioner to break the silence over this alleged US abuse of data protection of millions of Europeans.

Tonio Borg stated that "programmes such as the so-called Prism, and the laws on the basis of which such programmes are authorised, potentially endanger the fundamental right to privacy and the data protection of EU citizens."

In the past few days, prominent newspapers such as 'The Guardian' and 'The Washington Post' broke news that America's National Security Agency (NSA) is snooping on millions of European's data held by firms such as Google or Facebook. This was leaked by a former NSA officer.

Borg told the European Parliament that the European Commission is concerned about these recent media reports, and that the EU Commissioner for Justice and Fundamental Rights, Viviane Reding, will raise this issue with force at the upcoming EU-US Ministerial on Friday.

Meanwhile, the European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx, also released a statement yesterday, saying that he is following the NSA story closely and is concerned about the possible serious implications for the privacy of EU citizens.

Don't let them fool you. This is what we're dealing with here: Obama administration convinced EU to drop measure that would have blocked NSA spying http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/06/12/obama-administration-convinced-eu-to-drop-measure-that-would-have-blocked-nsa-spying/
Welcome to the U.S.A.S.S.R. Read the European Parliament Report on the Echelon spying system http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+REPORT+A5-2001-0264+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN&language=EN EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT REPORT on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI))
Reding keeps telling us she will seek guarantees from the US to safeguard EU citizens. And yet, EU and US snooping derive from ONE single agenda. In eurospeak it's been called 'Data Protection' - and whenever 'data protection' rules were amended it's been a step further away from 'protection'. Cutting and pasting will not do, MT. Where are your investigative skills at EU level? I bet you still think we are an independent nation. Meanwhile, Borg, sitting for Reding, sounded like a parrot repeating her eurospeak mantra. He was acting a role. There was no spirit there. Just a shell.
Might has always been Right. Big Brother spying on us. The World should Boycott the internet providers and stop paying money to those letting other spying on them. This should give them a lesson. The world belongs to the people and not to some spying Mighty circles.
Might has always been Right. Big Brother spying on us. The World should Boycott the internet providers and stop paying money to those letting other spying on them. This should give them a lesson. The world belongs to the people and not to some spying Mighty circles.