Wanted analyst flees to Moscow

US intelligence analyst Snowdown leaves Hong Kong as American officials discuss his extradition.

The Chinese Government has confirmed US intelligence fugitive Edward Snowden has flown out of Hong Kong territory. He is due to arrive in Moscow this evening, the South China Morning Post was quoted to read.

The paper also quoted its sources saying Moscow will not be Snowden's final port of call.

In May, Snowdown revealed details of internet and phone surveillance by the US National Security Agency (NSA), to Britain's Guardian newspaper and the Washington Post. The intelligence analyst then fled to Hong Kong. The American government was in talks with the Chinese government over his extradition. A transfer agreement between the US and the Chinese territory is already in place.

Snowdown's run to Moscow complicates US efforts to have him extradited.

He is wanted by Obama's government over charges of theft of government property, unauthorised communication of national defence information and wilful communication of classified communications intelligence. Each crime carries a maximum prison term of ten years.


The American political & 'security' fat cats, showing their true colours - Undemocratic & Abusive in a shrouded way (until they are exposed by someone with principles like Snowdown). George Orwell was right after all, however the culprits are not only the Communists but moreso the American 9champions of SHAM Liberty!
We should have more like this champion for the truth. So the U.S. of A. so called champion of liberty and of freedom of free speech under this great leader Obama, will if caught they make this fine young hero rot in jail (as they say). This is Freedom of the Press American style. It is free to tell on others but not on them!