Morsi supporters clash with police

Hundreds of supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi have clashed with security forces in Cairo.

Police used tear gas to drive back protesters, some hurling rocks, who temporarily blocked an arterial route through the capital.

The clashes came after a senior US envoy said Egypt had been given a "second chance" to create a democracy.

He met Egypt's new interim leaders but was snubbed by key groups including Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood.

The clashes took place a week after more than 50 Morsi supporters were killed in fighting with troops outside the Republican Guard compound where the former president is believed to be being held.

Mr Morsi was ousted in a popularly backed military coup on 3 July.

Monday's battles erupted after hundreds of angry protesters blocked the main 6 October bridge. The bridge later reopened with no reports of casualties.

Earlier, large crowds of pro-Morsi demonstrators were also reported outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, where they have been holding a round-the-clock vigil to demand Mr Morsi's reinstatement, and at Cairo University.

"Get out, Sisi," some shouted, referring to the head of the armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who oversaw the overthrow of Mr Morsi.

Meanwhile, officials said suspected Islamist militants had attacked a bus carrying workers to a cement factory in north Sinai, killing three people. Fourteen others were wounded.

US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns met interim President Adly Mansour and Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawi, as well as Gen al-Sisi.

He described the events of the last two weeks as a "second chance to realise the promise of the revolution" that ended the long, authoritarian presidency of Hosni Mubarak in 2011.

He called on the military to avoid "any politically motivated arrests", saying the US remained committed to an Egypt that was "stable, democratic, inclusive and tolerant".

But he insisted the US had "not come to lecture anyone. We will not try to impose our model on Egypt."

The envoy's comments come amid what correspondents say is an increasingly widespread antipathy among Egyptians on both sides of the political divide towards the US, which supplies some $1.5bn in mostly military aid to the country each year.

Mr Burns said he planned to meet religious and civilian leaders, the heads of political parties and business figures during his two-day visit.

But both the ultra-conservative Salafi al-Nour party and the Tamarod anti-Morsi protest movement said they turned down invitations to meet Mr Burns, while the Muslim Brotherhood also said it had no plans to see him.

The US has called for the release of Mr Morsi, who remains in custody. His Muslim Brotherhood movement has demanded his reinstatement and insists the ousting was a coup.

Earlier Egypt's public prosecutor froze the assets of 14 Islamist leaders.

The Muslim Brotherhood head Mohammed Badie and his deputy Khairat al-Shater are reported to be among them.

The freeze comes as part of an investigation into the incitement of violence at protests.