Train driver faces judge

Spanish judge expected to decide fate of driver behind the incident of derailed express train.


Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, 52, the man at the wheel of Santiago de Compostela's death train has been detained on charges of reckless homicide.

The train crashed outside the Spanish village on Wednesday killing 78 people. Investigators suspect the train was going too fast, with reports alleging it was travelling at over double the speed limit.

The judge leading the inquiry is expected to speak to Garzon today, following which he will decide about remanding the driver as an official suspect, releasing him on bail, or letting him go.

In the incident, over 130 people were hospitalised with 30 being in critical condition. The eight carriages of the train derailed into a concrete wall and leaking fuel engulfed a number of carriages in flames.

Over 200 passengers were travelling the express route between Madrid and Ferrol on the Galician coast.


What about the company that manufactured and maintains the train? They of course need to respond to these charges. One deifinately expects to know if there are security features that failed. If not then the company failed to install such systems for such big engines to refrain overspeeding and also for proper auto-controlled braking. We cannot completely trust one man's daily moods over the faith of hundreds on such high velocity killing machines.