Over 500 migrants rescued off Sicily

Women and children among Eritreans, Pakistanis, Syrians

Over 500 migrants, including women and children, were rescued off the coast of Sicily early Tuesday after one of their three boats fell apart at sea.

Some 233 people were escorted to shore on the island of Lampedusa by Italian Coast guard, while another 336 migrants were saved off the coast of Agrigento. So far they have been identified as Eritrean, Pakistani and Syrian nationals, who told rescuers they had been at sea for about 10 days.

While the summer in southern Italy is marked by large numbers of migrants departing from North Africa, over 500 people is an exceptionally big group to arrive at once. 

No one can deny that the Syrians are escaping their killing fields. However, whilst the West give arms to the rebels- the majority of whom are Al Qaeda members- the refugees are escaping to Iraq, Turkey and now to Italy as well. What I find inhumane,is that whilst the EU has enough money to arm the rebels; its sticks its hand in its pockets when it comes to allocate quotas for refugees that are now escaping to Italy and Greece! Yep, the Northern EU countries- such as Germany Norway Sweden Denmark Poland etc don't want them, so they invented this Dublin 2 'humane obligations'clause that refugees cannot have freedom of movement within the EU. This shows that Malmstrom's immigration policies are a hotch potch failed system, that denies refugees, the right to free movement to the riches countries of Europe!
There is no stop to the illegal immigration. The more we keep the more come. Human trafficking is a big and very profitable business. Instead of trafficking drugs these people traffic humans and the EU and the NGOs are party to all this by encouraging these human traffickers to send more of these illegal immigrants to Europe every day. If the EU and the NGOs do not stop the human traffickers they will continue to make millions off these illegal immigrants as long as they are willing to pay their price. The EU must stop these illegal immigrants at the point of origin and not wait until they drown or reach European shores. How many more millions of these illegal immigrants can Europe take? Remember the words of the late Moammar Gaddafi that Europe will turn Muslim in a few years. The glass is already half full. Could it be that the prophecy of Gaddafi is becoming a reality, so fast? The EU and the profitable NGOs should think about that.
Let's hope that Malta can get its share so that once again we will be in the spotlight. If itaoly took 500 let's try to rescue at least 600 .