Syria's Free Army not impressed by US-Russia agreement

Syria's Free Army will not cease fire against the regime and regards the US-Russia agreement as a move by the regime to win time.

Syria's opposition has voiced its disagreement to the use of diplomacy in lieu of military force as Russia and the US struck a deal to rid Syria of its chemical arsenal.

Salam Idris, Head of the Free Syrian Army, described the deal as a game to undermine efforts to overthrow President Assad's regime. The Free Syrian Army leader said they would not recognize the agreement, believing it to be a time-wasting plot between Russia and the Syrian regime in Damascus. "Frankly there will be no ceasefire with the regime", Idris was quoted to have said, however he pledged his help and support for the investigators of Syria's chemical cache.

At the same time European countries including France and Britain hailed the agreement describing it as an important step in the right direction. The French foreign minister said that on Monday talks will be held in Paris to find ways to implement the proposed six-point plan.

United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki Moon, expressed his hope that the plan would be the needed political solution to stop the anguish of Syria.

After three days of talks the six-point plan was revealed in Geneva on XXX. The six points read as follows:

1. Syria's chemical weapons must be placed under international control at the earliest.

2. Within one week, Syria must provide "comprehensive" listings of its chemical weapons cache.

3. Extraordinary procedures under the Chemical Weapons Convention will be followed in order for the weapons to be rapidly destroyed.

4. Syria must give inspectors full and "unfettered access" to all chemical weapons sites.

5. By the mid-2014, all of Syria's chemical weapons must be destroyed.

6. Logistical support will be provided by the UN and compliance will be enforced by Chapter VII of the UN Security Council Charter allowing for the application of sanctions and use of military force.