Malmström warns EU states of illegality of migrants’ pushbacks

Commissioner encourages states to take asylum seekers but sends warning on ‘illegal pushbacks’

Cecilia Malmström sent a 'fair warning' to member states that pushbacks were illegal
Cecilia Malmström sent a 'fair warning' to member states that pushbacks were illegal

The European Union's home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström yesterday sent a stark warning to member states that the pushbacks of asylum seekers were "illegal" and that countries like Malta had to guarantee access to the asylum procedure.

The Swedish commissioner was addressing member state representatives at a relocation forum intended at encouraging them to relieve small member states like Malta from the pressures of asylum claims due to their concentration at the borders of the EU.

"It's only fair if I state the obvious," Malmström told member states. "However tough the situation gets, push-backs are illegal and contrary to the principle of non-refoulement. Access to the asylum procedure must be guaranteed.  There is a responsibility to give decent conditions and to integrate people," she said.

Joseph Muscat's government was stopped by a temporary order from the European Court of Human Rights in July, from effecting a pushback of over 50 asylum seekers, back to Libya, without having submitted an asylum claim.

Malmström said the relocation forum was an opportunity to discuss pressure on member states like Malta, and those from future crises such as the potential increase in the number of Syrian asylum applicants to Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece or other member states.

"We are now also faced with the possibility that there could be significant increases in applications for asylum to countries within easy reach of Syria like Bulgaria, Malta, Cyprus, Italy and Greece. The situation in Egypt remains unstable and could have implications for migratory flows. We have a problematic situation in the Horn of Africa."

Malmström said member states had to reflect on what solidarity meant and what a true common European asylum system would entail when five member states already take up 70% of the EU's asylum seekers - people who are still in the process of obtaining some form of international protection.

"The instrument of relocation could give a very good opportunity for those Members States who have few asylum seekers to take more responsibility in our common system. It is also an opportunity to gradually build up a fully functioning reception system. Some of the member states today are truly in need of help and others can therefore make an important contribution by alleviating others. Lesser-pressured member states can show solidarity."

But EU countries also fear that a relocation of asylum seekers could serve as a pull factor and encourage migrants to attempt the hazardous Mediterranean crossing from Libya over into Europe. "But we should not refuse to show solidarity to another member state because we decide that relocation creates a pull factor when we have no evidence to substantiate that claim," Malmström told her audience yesterday. 

Relocation could provide immediate relief to countries whose asylum system is under pressure, which is why the European Commission wants to provide financial assistance for relocation.

Among the participants yesterday were member states and EU associated countries, representatives from the European Parliament, European Asylum Support Office (EASO), UNHCR and International Organization for Migration.

What she will say if what happened in Nairobi will happen in Europe or Sweden.
@joe.buh The BBC also reported about the September 11 massacres. The one in 1973 when a democratically elected Marxist government was overturned by the fascist Pinochet with US help. Or do fascist atrocities not bother you? Venezuela should be compared with Guatemala, El Salvador, Columbia, Honduras, etc.. Then you'll discover that just because a country practices cowboy capitalist economics doesn't mean it's free. Also, Jesus will judge you for your meanness and apathetic attitude towards the poor and needy who are hurt by fascist thugs.
So push backs are illegal. Even comming to our country without any documentation is illegal. Is it not the same European Union that is practicing the same policy of push-backs when it sends back illegal immigrants when they manage to escape from Malta and goes to another EU country? Is it not the same European Union who is denying these immigrants to go to a place where they can build their future? If push-backs are illegal, they are illegal to the EU too.
So push backs are illegal. Even coming to our country without any documentation is illegal. Is it not the same European Union that is practicing the same policy of push-backs when it sends back illegal immigrants when they manage to escape from Malta and goes to another EU country? Is it not the same European Union who is denying these immigrants to go to a place where they can build their future? If push-backs are illegal, they are illegal to the EU too.
Here we go again! This E.U. that I was fooled to vote for and I did, did it again. Strong with the small and weak with the Strong. Yesterday on French News there was demonstrations and I am of the impression that the French Government agree because they want to send fellow European Member citizens coming from Romania to their place of origin, they said that their culture is not compatible with the French way of life and they are taking their jobs. So it follow are those invading us in Malta compatible?
avatar Swedish police operate Roma database
Who the heck has appointed this lady as Commissioner. She is completely hopeless. What a waste of time and money.
@ all comments Ma min rajtek xebbahtek. Have you heard the BBC news about Venezuela about the shortages in medicines and the cruelty on civilians. That's what happening in these communist countries. Most of the people leaving the country to seek survival in another country. Always keep in mind of the SAMARITAN. Ma nafx x'wicc irrid ikollok tidher quddiem jesu sagramentat u mbaghad titkellemu b'dan il-mod u bi hdura kontra l-umanita batuta. Tajba il-pajjizi kbar jaraw kif jaghmlu biex jghinu imbaghad b'daqqa ta' pinna indawwru il-pinnur kontra. 'Holes in the heads' jghidu l-inglizi.
Luke Camilleri
What is exactly her message ? Would be best that that she comes out and addresses her message to her country for starters! She is not doing a good job at all, UTTERLY BIASED especially where Malta's interests are concerned! She should be replaced! She is not doing a good job at all !
Irregular migration is every ones problem! Mhux tigi Malmstrom tghid li irregular immigration is Malta's problem and as a matter of fact Sweden sends 'illegal' migrants back to Malta , where once again the politically correct start calling them them again irregular! Migrants needs justice in Africa not charity in Malta! But epiphanies sell well in Malta, I presume!
Malmstrom can take a running jump and leave us alone. How can she, a Swede, with no immigrant borders around her, speak up. With the exponential rise in Islamic Radicals around Malta's shores, we have no alternative but to fight for our survival. If we don't and keep hoping that the signs are not there, then we would soon find ourselves being forced Sharia Law if not worse. let us not kid ourselves. You saw what happened in Iraq - they eliminated all the Christians. You see what is happening in Egpyt - they are eliminating all the coptic christians, you wee what is happening in Syria - they have killed and maimed most Christian communities there, you see what is happening in Nigeria - they kill all the Christians. And now you can also see what has happened in Kenya with the Islamist Boko Harram murdering non-Muslim shoppers. This can easily happen in Malta if we are not careful and vigilant of who is trying to infiltrate our Country, report back and then attack.
Probably she did not mention Italy, by all means. Italy is welcoming migrants, by the thousands. The more in the more money they get from the EU, BUT THEN, THEY PUSH THEM BACK TO NORTHERN EUROPE-THEY LET THEM ESCAPE !!!!!!!!
No country in the world wants to be burdened with the influx of illegal immigrants.The claim that these people seek refuge elsewhere is because of the prevailing uncertainty in their country or because they are being persecuted by the regime. So far so good and one has to accept that fact if it is proved, otherwise they should be sent back. What comes to one's mind is why not Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom establishes a policy that when normality is restored in the respective country these illegal immigrants be sent back from where they came from to help rebuild their country.
The EU loaded the deck in drafting the Dublin II treaty. The larger and more powerful countries anticipated the influx of African migrants so they insisted that the first country to receive them would be stuck with them. Since most travel across the Mediterranean a few countries are hit hardest with this incursion. Perhaps it's time we had a good look at another comparable country, Iceland. There, despite pressure from the parliamentary members, the President and the population in their majority are opposed to entering the EU. Had Iceland been a member of the Eurozone during its financial crisis it would still today be crippled economically. Perhaps an exhaustive cost/benefit analysis should be undertaken regarding Malta's continued membership in the medium and long term. If the results are not in Malta's favour, we should seriously consider having a referendum on leaving the EU.
Lino Camilleri
Please dont start Ms Malmström. Leave us alone. Shame on those who entered our country in EU. We have lost our freedom and whatever the PN say we are not able to decide our future ourselves anymore. Joseph has to find a way to solve this problem and personally I care only about my country and my children. These assylum seekers should stay, help and fight their dictators and not choosing the easiest way and run off. After all your words are only encouraging trafficers to enlarge their pockets and wealth.
Anything to declare Malmstrom? Swedish police operate Roma database
get 2,000 euros for each person from EU funding. Give them maltese passport and one way ticket to any EU country of their choice, hopefully they chose Sweden.
What percentage of the whole of Africa does Malmström envisage to take into Europe? 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%? Has she fixed a saturation point beyond which Europe will burst at the seams? Has she worked out the boiling point at which Europeans, born and bred in Europe, will rebel against her policies? At which point will native Europeans go down in the streets because they would have had enough? How does she plan to solve future problems of racial and religious strife which, given that we do not live in an ideal world, are exceedingly likely to get more serious? Will she and EU policy-makers take responsibility for what is to happen to our children? Does she have children of her own and does she care about their future? When the apocalypse will descend on Europe in one or two generations’ time, she, those of like mind and I will be gone and our children will be victims of the shortsightedness of “political correctness”. I very much fear that social catastrophe is Europe’s destiny.
She hates us!Yes we should continue to receive Somali illegal immigrants without knowing whether they are pirates, or Islamist militants? Illegal for us to send them to where they came from :legal for the Swedish to send back to Malta: 500 of them! Political refugees are a different matter. We should help these whatever the costs. Indeed, we should try to bring and help Syrian refugees who are really bona fide asylum seekers and not economic migrants like those coming form the horn of Africa.
Always repeating the same knowledge. It is much better if you tell us who is going to take them in his country. Sweden perhaps?
A nice lady preacher indeed....she talks with the sword as far as small states are involved and achieves nothing as far the EU`S larger / richer states responsibility is concerned....In the latter`s case it is, conferences, appeals and more talk. This fine lady talks about the huge problems in Africa, and Middle East, without accepting that historically all these problems were caused by ex-colonial nations, and tiny Malta is one of the small states in the South of Europe lumped with this historical reaction of the ex-colonies scenario
It would have been more correct if Ms Malmstrom warned prospective immigrants that it is illegal to enter a country without documents. Ms. Malmstrom excels in perverting the norms of logic.
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
So the whole point of the meeting was to tell us that pushbacks are illegal. Apart from that she sorted nothing out. The moral of the story is, just refuse everybody asylum.
This has to work both ways because if memory serves me correctly, EU states that Asylum seekers should apply for asylum at the first countrys Borders they arrive at (not travel through other countries to arrive at the borders of a country they chose to reside at)
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
You fool ! Keep on sending positive signals to traffickers, or is the EU encouraging traffickers , or elements withing the EU are the actual traffickers ??
Priscilla Darmenia
Whatever Malmström says, if there is no immediate enforcement within the EU member states so we can push forward these illegal immigrants, thaN I do not care what she says or the Court of Human Rights says, I will push back these people. I will get some nasty comments from international media but the message will be clear to future prospects who want to enter illegally - GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AS WE WILL SEND YOU BACK.
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
The usual bla bla bla and no action rhetoric by the infamous Cecilia. Unless we as Maltese take action ourselves we are never going to get anywhere.
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
An important point that appears to have been missed is the fact that the vast majority of these people are not really fugitives from injustice, but illegal economic migrants - they seek asylum because that is the only way they can get to work in Europe. In other words, they are not telling the truth about themselves. In this, they are abetted by UNHRC (which is mainly interested in having more refugees to justify budget and staff increases), and by local NGO do-gooders, who are living in a dream world of their own, and fail to see the ultimate consequences of their actions.
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
The usual bla bla bla and no action rhetoric by the infamous Cecilia. Unless we as Maltese take action ourselves we are never going to get anywhere.
SOLUTION: Welcome these poor souls to Malta, nurse them back to full health, give them a Maltese passport and €1000 each (they cost us 60/€80 daily anyway) and free tickets to any other EU Country of their choice - and then EU Member States WILL REALLY reflect on what solidarity means - we'll then get "SUPPORT and IMMEDIATE ACTION by the EU!"
We feel that the Republic of Malta needs access to funds in order to comply with these policies, since we have a national problem with debt restructuring, amongst many other national issues such as unemployment.
SHUT UP Malmstrom. If you don;t like it take them to Sweden and keep them at your own expense.