Quarter of Lebanon's population made up of Syrian refugees

According to the UN Refugee Agency, there were 660,000 Syrian refugees registered in Lebanon.

More than a quarter of Lebanon’s population is now made up of Syrian refugees, and many Lebanese people are calling on their government to take more action to control the influx.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, there were 660,000 Syrian refugees registered in Lebanon and another 150,000 awaiting registration.

Lebanese MP, and former Prime Minister, Najib Mekati, said the government does have a handle on the situation.

“We will not abandon our duties to the Syrian people. The Lebanese government is in control of the refugee situation, making sure that the number doesn’t keep increasing – through certain measures, such as intensifying border controls,” the former Prime Minister said.

With more than a quarter of country’s population now made up of Syrian refugees – the Lebanon’s President Michel Suleiman has called on UN member states to pledge more financial aid to assist in dealing with the crisis.