Malmström proposes Med-wide search and rescue mission for migrant boats

The European Commission has urged the European Union to launch a Mediterranean-wide search and rescue mission to intercept migrant boats.

European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom
European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom

The European Commission is proposing that the EU launch a Mediterranean-wide search and rescue mission to intercept migrant boats, the BBC is reporting.

Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said she will present the plan to EU ministers in Luxembourg on Tuesday. The proposal comes after hundreds died after the Lampedusa tragedy.

The alleged skipper of the Lampedusa boat, a Tunisian man, is being held in Sicily, suspected of manslaughter.

The Commission's plan calls for an operation by the EU's Frontex border agency "from Cyprus to Spain", a spokesperson for Malmström told the BBC.

"The search and rescue operation would help better tracking, identification and rescue of boats, especially migrants' boats," the spokesperson said.  "It could help prevent tragedies like the one in Lampedusa."

Divers have recovered dozens more bodies from a boat carrying African migrants that sank off the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa on Thursday. The victims were mostly from Eritrea and Somalia.

According to the BBC, in Luxembourg Malmström will seek political support for the planned EU mission and the necessary resources, because to implement it, "Frontex will need additional resources".

On Thursday it would be business as usual in Brussels, Berlin, London, Oslo,and Copenhagen. No more tears to 'shed'and the traffickers would continue with their trade and Malmstrom would continue with her failed EU migration policies that are simply a screen to keep as many as possible unskilled immigrants from mainland Europe!
The proposal by Malmstrom is rather a humanitary offer but not a screen to detect the illegal migrants who shouldn't make the journey in the first place.Her offer sounds more like encouragement to the hungry and heartless human traffickers to push the illegals toward our islands.Get to the roots of this disgraceful slavery from Libya.
Again, instead of setting up measures to track down human traffickers, she is literally inviting illegal immigrants in !!
I bet that by this time next year everything will be the same as is today.
Commissioner Cecilia Malmström as the saying goes, you might be a dollar short and a week too late. The search and rescue should have happened the same day the incident happened not two weeks later Ms Malmstrom. But then that is what happens when you send a girl to do a commissioner's job. Why not have the EU stop these illegal immigrants from crossing the Mediterranean in the first place? Why wait until it is too late? Help these people where it does them the most good and that is in their own countries? Otherwise set up Detention Camps in Brussels and accept the responsibility. Both Lampedusa and Malta are full. These drownings are the responsibility of the EU and the profitable NGOs who encourage these dangerous crossings.
Joe Tanti
yes . a good move ,but where will they land them? We are already an overpopulated island we cannot take any more.Compulsory sharing by all nations and not just the Med ones.
ok mwed wide search and rescue... and then? we'll have to take them all in? back to square one!
What a banal and exorbitantly expensive proposal from beaurocrat, sorry eurocrat. Save the money and open an employment office in Libya give refugees 5 years permission to work in Europe and then they must return.
Il mistoqsija hija ` u meta issibham...fejn ser titfahhom ?`
Malmstrom has one of the hottest potato on the EU plate: Instead of building walls around a fortress European Union, the European Commission should indulge in far reaching policies and practices that in the long term would go a long way to stamp the outflow of desperate immigrants in the countries of origin. Such policies include investing in real cradible and sustainable security and stability in the countries where the immigrants hail from.
The problem for malmstron is what to do with the irregulars after she rescues them from the maelstorm. This is the crux of the problem: if not a pushback then what?. One solution which can never be accepted by us is that we are landed with them as being the nearest port. The final stage of resolution must be that after rescue they are taken to asylum processing centres in Africa.
Just read 'Republica': German Foreign minister does not want to change Dublin 2! Enough preaching to the small and weak Malmstrom!
I propose that Malmstrom spends the first six months patrolling the Mediterranean in search and rescue operations rather than sit pretty in her chair in Brussels and attack our people because we cannot have any more invasions. we are full up. After all those at the helm should give an example to others.
It means that nothing has changed and that Europeans will continue with their Dublin 2 hypocrisy which SimonPN lumped on us!
At long last. The slumbering beauty gas woke up. Unfortunately it has taken a human tragedy for this lady to accept her responsibilities. Indeed what a waste of time and money and above all of human lives.