Toronto mayor stripped from powers

The mayor of Canada's largest city has faced intense pressure to resign after admitting to smoking crack cocaine.

The Toronto city council has voted to strip Mayor Rob Ford of most of his authority, as the embattled city leader resists growing pressure to step down.

On Monday, the council transferred most of the mayor's budget and many of his powers to the deputy mayor.

Ford, who has promised to fight the council's decisions, criticised the vote as a "coup d'etat".

The mayor of Canada's largest city has faced intense pressure to resign after admitting to smoking crack cocaine.

In recent weeks he has also acknowledged buying illegal drugs while serving as mayor.

Ford abstained from Monday's vote, but promised "outright war" in the next election against the councillors who opposed him.

"What's happening here today is not a democratic process, this is a dictatorship," he told the city councillors.

"You are absolutely telling everybody that voted in the last municipal election that their vote does not count."

And Mr Ford refused to apologise, saying he had done enough apologising already.

Earlier in the heated council meeting, Ford ran through the gallery, accidentally knocking over city councillor Pam McConnell before catching her.

Monday's motion reduces Mr Ford's office budget by 60%, and allows mayoral staff to join deputy mayor Norm Kelly, largely making Mr Ford mayor in name only.

The council does not have the power to remove him from office unless he has a criminal conviction.

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, once a Ford ally but now one of his most outspoken critics, said the mayor's conduct was embarrassing the city.