Ministers set for nuclear talks in Geneva

US, UK, Russia, France, China and Germany in Geneva to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran.

The foreign ministers of six major powers are gathering in Geneva to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran. US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived for talks involving the UK, Russia, France, China and Germany after three days of lower-level meetings.

The Chinese, French, British and German foreign ministers were due along with Kerry to take part in intense negotiations on a deal under which Iran would curb its atomic activity in exchange for some relief from economic sanctions.

The announcements came after diplomats said a major sticking point in the talks, which began on Wednesday, may have been overcome.

A senior European diplomat told reporters earlier that foreign ministers of the six states would come to Geneva only if there was a deal to sign. "We have made progress, including core issues," the diplomat said.

France's Foreign Minister, who spoke out against a draft deal floated at the November 7-9 negotiating round, appeared guarded on arrival in Geneva early on Saturday.

"I hope we can reach a deal, but a solid deal. I am here to work on that," he said.

France has consistently taken a tough line over Iran's nuclear programme, helping Paris forge closer ties with Tehran's foes in Israel and the Gulf.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in Geneva on Friday evening and met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, a Russian spokeswoman said.

Echoing optimism that a deal was close, China's state-run Xinhua news agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying the talks "have reached the final moment". The country's foreign minister left Beijing for Geneva early on Saturday.

Looks like the these talks are being controlled by Israel.The threat from Israel is:that if a deal is reached out, but not to Israel usual interests,it will,while ignoring all UN Rules,attack Iran.If that happen,Only god knows, what will happen in the ME.