Ukraine police disperse protesters in Kiev

Riot police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev forcefully disperse hundreds of protesters, firing tear gas and wielding truncheons, witnesses say.

Several protesters have been injured in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, after riot police forcibly broke up the remnants of a week-long anti-government demonstration.

The crowd of about 400 protesters, who had been demanding the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych after he blocked a key European trade deal, were set upon at around 4:30am (0230 GMT) by baton-wielding officers as tear gas filled Kiev's famed Liberty Square.

Journalists were prevented from filming scenes, and a Reuters camera operator was among those injured.

As many as 10,000 people had gathered in the square on Friday night, after Yanukovich refused to sign a long-anticipated association agreement with EU officials at a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The deal would have moved the former Soviet state closer, politically and economically, to the EU - at the expense of Russia.

As the deal was being agreed in recent months, Russia punished Ukraine with a series of trade sanctions.

Yanukovych said that his country could not afford to sacrifice trade with Moscow for closer ties to the EU.

A hefty economic aid package to offset Russia's punitive measures could change the situation, however.

"Unfortunately, Ukraine in the last while has turned out to be alone in dealing with serious financial and economic problems," he told European leaders at the Vilnius summit on Friday.

"So today we need from our European partners decisive steps to be taken towards Ukraine to work out, and realise, a programme of financial-economic aid."

Earlier on Friday night, Ukraine's political opposition said that Yanukovich had betrayed hopes of closer integration with Europe. 

"Today they stole our dream, our dream of living in a normal country," said Vitaly Klitschko, heavyweight boxing champion and a contender for the 2015 presidential election.

"The failure to sign the agreement of association is treason."

Yanukovich, however, is not without his supporters in the nation of 45 million.

"If we had signed, we would have opened our borders and killed our own manufacturers," Anatoliy Bliznyuk,  a parliamentarian from Yanukovich's Regions Party, said.