No burden sharing, member states to be paid €6,000 for migrant relocation

Scheme is aimed at stemming Syrian flow of UN-recognised refugees

EU commissioner Cecilia Malmström
EU commissioner Cecilia Malmström

The European Commission wants to pay EU Member states €6,000 for each refugee they resettle in their country, in a financially-induced attempt at so called 'European solidarity'.

"This is the single most efficient short-term measures that member states can do to help and to avoid for these very vulnerable people to take the dangerous route over the Mediterranean," EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said yesterday.

The refugees would have to be mandated by the United Nations, and in such case would probably target Syrian registered refugees, 5,000 of which were resettled inside the EU last year. Another 18,000 made their wary into Europe. The United States has resettled 50,000.

The Commission will be giving €30 million to Italy and €20 million to other member states to improve conditions for asylum seekers.

Malta is currently challenging EU guidelines forcing the member states hosting a Frontex operation, to take in all rescued migrants. Malta has a vast search and rescue region that would ultimately make it responsible to coordinate all rescue operations in the region, and then take in all migrants saved by the Frontex mission it hosts.

Malta insists that the country to take them in would be the one offering the safest, nearest port of call.

The vast majority of Maltese citizens do not want the money but the illegal immigrants to LEAVE.
These proposals are steps in the right direction however the problem needs to be discussed in a much more comprehensive manner, if tragedies similar to those which occurred off Lampedusa and Malta a few weeks ago are to be avoided. EASO needs to receive EU-asylum applications directly and compile data on the persons requesting EU-asylum at the third countries of transit in North Africa, particularly in Libya In this way those requests which satisfy EU-entry criteria are accepted and given an approximate date /year when this would be accomodated - making it unnecessary for the migrants to seek to make the perilous Mediterranean crossing. EASO would thus complement the work already being done to assist the frontline member states , Malta included. In such a framework enhancing the role of Frontex and assisting North African countries of transit to guard their frontiers would be much more effective to stop the slave trade, which is a disgrace in the 21st century ,when technology is available to prevent human trafficking from taking place. To achieve such objectives the EU needs to enter into "Agreement on Migration" with each individual African country in North Africa, Sahel and the Horn of Africa so that all operations in connection with migration are regulated in an organized manner, including the registration of persons seeking EU-asylum.Such a proposal should be included in the agenda of the EU -Africa summit in April 2014.BY such a framework TFM (Task Force Mediterranean) would engage in creating ways how asylum in European Union can be granted in a regular manner and thus discouraging the perilous boat journeys across the Mediterranean and put a stop to the bonanza profits of the traffickers which the proposals presently being discussed go only half-way to meet. Of course success can only ensure if many more- or better still all- EU countries sign to accept migrants for resettlement or intra-EU relocation to make burden-sharing viable by the allocation of quotas per country in a just and equitable manner.This could be achieved in a political atmosphere hostile to immigration ,since the number of migrants would be controlled and much reduced to the numbers presently crossing the Mediterranean The USA and non-EU Schengen countries should also be encouraged to resettle African migrants in their ountries.
Jekk wiehed irid ikun jaf kif jottjieni dak li jrid minghand l-EU, imur fuq internet Barroso and Freemasonry, jew The role of freemasonry in the future construction of EU.Ghad nigu fi kliem min kien qal li hawn l-Ewropa ta' Abel u l-ohra ta' Kajjin. Ma indumux ma jibdew jghidulna li irridu nimxu rasna l-isfel jekk trid tkun normali, jew ragel irid jizzewweg ragel iehor biex ikollu t-tfal!Nifhem li ghalhekk Dom Mintoff kien fighter ma kull min kien jiqaflu ghax kien jaf ixomm il-kafe', kien jaf jixorbu imma ma kienx jaf kif jilghaqu bhal mexxejja l-ohra.
The bottom line is this and I have been saying this for a very long time. WE are on our own and our only option is to repatriate and return all illegal migrants who come to our shores. We are way to small for one illegal migrant on our little space. People who want to go to Europe, should do so legally and not illegally. Crossing to europe illegally is not aceeptable and if Europe wants these people, they are welcome to have them. There should be no other option. I think our Prime Minister will do well to start thinking of the coming year on how to handle these illegal migrants. The only option should be to have an agreement with Libya to return anyone who comes from Libya on Day 1.