South Korea extends air defence perimiters

Reacting to China's extension of air defence zones, South Korea had followed suit and announced it will extend its own military air defence areas, and urged commercial airlines not to identify themselves in China's new airspace.

Following in China's footsteps, South Korea announced an expansion in its air defence zone, which will now overlap that of its neighbouring country.

In the middle of the two air defence areas lie two spans of rocks. Ieodo is controlled by South Korea and Suyan by China, however both countries are claiming airspace control. However South Korea's Defence Ministry stated that the country's new air defence zone spreads above the Marado and Hongdo islands which are controlled by Seoul. South Korea new perimeters will come into effect on 15 December.

In a move that raised tension in the region, last month China announced its new Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over islands controlled by Japan.  Never the less South Korea challenged China's authority in the area by flying military planes through the country's new defence zones. South Korea also commercial airlines not to comply with China's demands for planes to identify themselves to it.

China's zone was also ignored by America and Japan, with both countries flying undeclared aircraft in the airspace.