North Korea releases American war veteran

State TV announced release after alleged apology but US renew calls for release of fellow American prisoners

The Communist country is accused of coercing the apology out of the 85-year-old American veteran
The Communist country is accused of coercing the apology out of the 85-year-old American veteran

An 85-year-old American war veteran detained in North Korea for his alleged hostile acts against the country has been released, a North Korean news agency said.

Merrill Newman was detained on October 26, as he was accused of committing crimes as a tourist and during his participation in the Korean War six decades ago. The North Korean security officials said that he was arrested because he had entered "under the pretext of a tourist" an in light of his confession.

He has now been released due to this admisstion to the crimes and on account of his age and health.

Pyongyang said that Newman had apoligised to his crimes and also published his 600-word apology. However, the Amercian war veteran has yet to speak publicly and speculation that his apology was coerced is rife.

Pyongyang has been accused of previously coercing statements from detainees, and it was littered English and grammatical errors.

Meanwhile, the US State Department said it welcomed North Korea's decision, but called for the release of another American, Kenneth Bae, a 45-year-old tour operator, who was sentenced to 15 years' hard labour on charges of seeking to topple the government.     

The move came as US Vice President Joe Biden visited South Korea, the last stop on a three-country Asia tour that has already taken him to Japan and China.

North Korea has detained at least six Americans since 2009 and five of them have either been released or deported after prominent Americans like former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter travelled to Pyongyang.

I fail to understand why on earth should any American, or any other person for that matter, wish to visit North Korea as a tourist? It is pure madness.