Two men found guilty of Lee Rigby murder

Court hears how extremists dragged down soldier, ran him over before attempting to decapitate him with meat cleaver

Two men have been found guilty of killing soldier Lee Rigby outside Woolwich barracks in south-east London in May.

Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, ran over Drummer Rigby with a car before dragging him onto the road and attacking him with knives and attempted to decapitate him with a meat cleaver.  

Moments after, Michael Adebolajo was filmed saying he had carried out the attack because British soldiers killed Muslims every day and also claimed that he was a "soldier of Allah."

Quizzed by the police, Adebolajo and Adebowale had said that they had waited near the barracks and targeted Rigby because he was wearing a 'Help for Heroes hooded top and carrying a camouflage rucksack.

As armed police arrived at the scene of the attack, both men rushed towards it, with Adebolajo raising the meat cleaver above his head and Adebowale waiving a firearm. The two men were then shot by police and were later hospitalised and detained.

The two men also attempted to kill the police and said that they had wanted armed officers to shoot them dead so they could become "martyrs".

Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the convictions and said that the UK must redouble its efforts to confront the poisonous narrative of extremism and violence that lay behind the attack.

"The whole country was completely shocked by the murder of Lee Rigby and the whole country united in condemnation of what happened and I'm sure everyone will welcome these verdicts," Cameron said.

They should be made to face a firing squad or hanged.