Italian navy rescues over 1,000 migrants from boats in 24 hours
The Italian navy rescued more than 1,000 migrants in the 24 hours to Friday from boats trying to reach Europe, authorities said, as an immigration crisis that killed hundreds in the last year showed no signs of easing.
Navy helicopters spotted four overcrowded boats south of Sicily on Thursday and ships were sent to save them, the Italian navy said in a statement.
The 823 men, women and children aboard the four vessels were from countries including Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq and Tunisia.
The navy rescued 233 migrants from Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, Zambia, Mali and Pakistan in a separate operation and took them to a port near Syracuse on Sicily's eastern coast.
Italy is a major gateway into Europe for many migrants seeking a better life, and sea arrivals to the country from Northern Africa more than tripled in 2013, fuelled by refugees in Syria's civil war and strife in the Horn of Africa.

Most of these illegal immigrants are not refugees in any way and all they are looking for is a better opportunity at life. They are willing to risk their lives and those of others in order to pursue their dreams and they do not care who gets hurt in the process. They do not take into consideration the lives of the rescuers and of those men and women who have to sacrifice their way of life in order to accommodate them. These are selfish people who are willing to leave their families behind to fulfill their selfish dreams and are willing to ruin other families to accomplish what they want. As long as the Italians and the Maltese keep accommodating these illegal immigrants the more will come, and until the Italians and the Maltese start turning these illegal immigrants back to where they came from this exodus is not going to stop. The prophecy of Moammar Gaddafi is coming to a full circle and the Muslims will inherit all of Europe. The proof is here and now. Wake up EU and smell the coffee because pretty soon the EU will become a Europe run by Muslims and they will turn all of Europe into an Arab Nation. If in doubt, open your eyes and look around you. You can see what is already happening in your countries. Same is happening in the UK, ask any Briton and he/she will gladly explain.

They must all be sent back because even if only one of them is allowed to stay they will keep on coming. Imagine what is going to happen next summer and how many will land here. NO SPACE. MALTA FULL UP. SEND THOSE ALREADY HERE BACK TO LIBYA GEORGE VELLA.