Egypt unrest: Morsi's absence halts Cairo trial

The trial of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi adjourned after officials blame bad weather had stopped his helicopter from taking off.

Egyptian security officials say bad weather has delayed ousted President Mohammed Morsi's helicopter flight from a prison in the country's north to Cairo for the resumption of his trial on charges of inciting murder.

Morsi is being held in a prison near the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

The officials say thick fog there on Wednesday meant he could not be flown to the court in Cairo.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

Morsi and 14 others are on trial for inciting the killing of protesters outside a Cairo presidential palace in December 2012, when at least 10 people were killed and hundreds wounded.

It's one of three trials that Morsi faces. Charges in all three carry the death penalty.

Up to 20,000 security forces were on high alert for his court appearance in the capital Cairo, according to the interior ministry.

Deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi is standing trial for the incitement of violence relating to the deaths of protesters outside the presidential palace during clashes in December 2012.

An Islamist coalition led by the Brotherhood had called for a "million man march" to coincide with the hearing.

Ahead of the trial, clashes brokeout  in Cairo's Nasr City district between pro-Morsi protesters and security forces, injuring several people.

Morsi first appeared in court in early November, insisting that he was still president and being held against his will.

A state prosecutor charged Morsi and 14 other Muslim Brotherhood members in 2013 with "committing acts of violence, and inciting killing and thuggery", the state news agency reported.

The charges relate to violence in which around a dozen people were killed outside the presidential palace in December 2012, after Morsi had ignited protesters' rage with a decree that expanded his powers.

The episode was one of the most violent of his presidency.

Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the presidency to demonstrate against Morsi's decree and a divisive, Islamist-tinged constitution that he planned to put to a referendum.

The Brotherhood's leaders called on members to rally to his defence. The state news agency said they were now accused of mobilising their followers to forcibly disperse the protesters after the security forces rejected Morsi's orders to do so.

The charges against Morsi include inciting his followers and assistants to commit crimes of premeditated murder and use violence and thuggery.

Morsi was toppled just a year into his term following mass protests fuelled by anger at economic mismanagement and Brotherhood attempts to entrench its power.

His downfall has led to some of the worst violence in Egypt's modern history, in the form of protests by his supporters, a bloody police crackdown on those supporters, and attacks on the police and churches.

At least 900 people, most of them Morsi supporters, were killed in August 2013 after the authorities smashed two protest camps set up by Morsi's supporters in Cairo.



Where is the bloody West,and where that bloody EU.Just reporting what is happening in Egypt as a normal piece of news? Both have and will have more blood in their hands for the support they are still giving that infamous Regime now.Can't the EU and the rest of the supposed West declare which they are supporting or which side they are condemning?