Anti-Taliban campaigner killed in bomb blast

Chaudhry Aslam, a face of Pakistan’s anti-militia campaign, targeted by Taliban after series of arrests

Chaudhry Aslam, a face of Pakistan's campaign against the Taliban has been killed after a car laden with explosives smashed into his convoy.

Best known for his campaign against the Taliban and for leading numerous police raids against the militants, Aslam was killed instantly with two other men.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aslam had surviced a number of previous attempts in his life, most notably in 2011, when he escaped unhurt when a car packed with explosives blew outside his home.

His constant pursuit of militants and his arrest of suspected criminals and militants made him long-term target of the Taliban.

His murder is being seen as a major blow to the government's efforts to fight crime.

A spokesman said Mr Aslam had been targeted as he had "killed, tortured and wounded" Taliban members.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif paid tribute to the police chief and condemned the attack.

"We will not let the will of the nation be crushed by these cowardly acts by terrorists," Pakistani newspaper Dawn quoted Mr Sharif as saying.

Since 2008, his unit has been involved in the arrests of dozens of militants - including would-be suicide bombers - planning attacks in Pakistan and across the border in Afghanistan.

During his final raid, in the early hours of Thursday, three militants were injured in a gunfight in the Manghopir district but were dead on arrival at hospital.