Fidel Castro makes first appearance in nine months

Former Cuban President last appeared in public in April 2013 after falling gravely-ill

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro handed his reign to his brother, Raul after 48 powers in power
Former Cuban president Fidel Castro handed his reign to his brother, Raul after 48 powers in power

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro made his first public appearance in nine months, attending the opening of an art studio in Havana.

Official newspapers and websites on Thursday carried a photo showing Castro pointing at a work of art, while the artist, Alexis Leyva, leans in to talk to him at the event.

Pictures released show a frail-looking Castro walking with a stick and looking at artworks. Last seen in public on 9 April 2013, Fidel Castro's health has been deteriorating since falling gravel ill in 2006.

Cuba, 87, led Cuba for 48 years before falling gravely ill and subsequently handing over power to his brother Raúl, who formally became president in January 2008.

Fidel has kept a low public profile, with sporadic appearances, ever since.

Pictures of the former Cuban leader were last seen in December, after his private meeting with the visiting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a key ally of Cuba.