Greenland ice sheet lowered six metres in just a month

A British research team studying the Greenlandice has discovered that the ice sheet in their region had lowered six metres in just a month.

Dr Alun Hubbard, leading a team from the universities of Swansea and Aberystwyth said that the phenomenon is caused by surface melt, a vicious cycle in which melted ice brings about further thawing of the cap beneath it.

Greenland’s ice sheet holds 10% of the world’s freshwater reserves. Its centre is more than 3km thick.

According to geologists, its rate of reduction has tripled in the last ten years.

The Greenlandic sheet is a vast body of ice covering 1,710,000 square kilometers (660,235 sq mi), roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland It is the second largest ice body in the World, after the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Positioned in the Arctic, the Greenland Ice sheet is especially vulnerable to global warming.