President makes his own pitch for citizenship sale

George Abela says citizens granted IIP citizenship subject to compliance with EU values - APA

George Abela with Austrian president Heinz Fischer. Photo: Omar Camilleri/DOI
George Abela with Austrian president Heinz Fischer. Photo: Omar Camilleri/DOI

President of Malta George Abela has defended his government's decision to make citizenships for Malta available for sale to non-EU citizens, saying it represents an investment for his country.

According to Xinhua press agency and APA, Abela made the comments at a press conference in Hofburg in Vienna, Austria, yesterday Tuesday where he was joined by Austrian President Heinz Fischer.

Despite the controversy surrounding the issue, including a condemnation from the European Parliament and Maltese opposition parties, Abela was reported saying that Malta had not been expressly mentioned in the European Parliament resolution and that all those granted citizenships were first subject to compliance with EU values.

Maltese government officials are expected to discuss the Individual Investor Programme with the Euroepan Commission in the coming days.

Also discussed between the two leaders was the issue of refugees, who mainly come into Malta from across the Mediterranean, while for Austria most are from Eastern Europe, Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Abela said Malta could not cope with the influx of refugees into his country alone, but added he sees signs of progress in European solidarity on the issue, while Fischer mentioned his country's relatively high intake of refugees compared to some Southern European nations.

In his speech during the state dinner hosted by Austrian President Heinz Fisher, Abela highlighted the "uninterrupted arrivals of hundreds of irregular migrants" risking their lives to reach Europe.

"Malta is calling its European partners to urgently come together and find tangible solutions that will help stop this haemorrhage of lives. I am pleased to note that following the European Union December Summit tangible action was proposed by the Commission to address this reality, however much more needs to be done if we don't want to experience a repetition of the October tragedies when hundreds of lives were lost at sea."

What president Abela says has to be taken with a grain of salt. I am sure everybody remembers the catastrophic speech he made to Parliament when Mr Joe took over. Like a parrot he repeated everything Mr Joe told him to say in the Presidential speech. All President Abela did was read the partisan speech written by Mr Joe himself. He let himself be used by Mr Joe and he did not even know it. Why on earth did he agree to the Presidential Pardon for George Farrugia? Right there, he became an accomplice of Ex PM Lawrence Gonzi who issued the Pardon. Good luck and good riddance Mr President, go home and enjoy your retirement. We need a President that can make decisions on his own without any interference from any of the political leaders.
Mhux ahjar thallu dan il Gvern juri xi jsarraf u jahdem ghal MALTA. P.N. ghamel 25 sena u nafu fejn wasal. 4 snin ohra nevalwaw x'sar . Possibli jista jkun li b'rebha bhal dik ma natuhx ic-cans li juri x'kapaci jaghmel?
Polly l-pappagall, issa ciccu kwieti ghax inthom ma tikkmandaw xejn u ieqfu milli tkomplu taghmlu l-hsara lil Malta.
@Polly - Min fejn gibta din li l-maggoranza tal-Maltin ma jaqblux maghha? Liema sors qed tikkwota? Qghedin tinkwetaw ghax tafu li f'25 sena hlief qanpiena, kelb u cucati ohra il-PN ma gabx. B'kollox kienu jiftahru ghax hazbu li l-poplu Malti jhobb jghejx f'illuzzjoni - bhall ma kien qed jghejx il-partit fallut u sfiducjat tal-PN
Polly, get off your high horse, and inform us which official survey identified the majorities you quote! May I suggest a twist to this story. Let the Maltese that do not "like" this scheme contribute, all by themselves, €2.5 Billion to balance out what this scheme will earn for Malta's economy (Hard cash please, not empty rhetoric. That, you may mail to Strasbourg!) I am firmly of the opinion that had this scheme been put in place by the PNers, there would have been New Year's eve's quality celebrations (coordinated by Bondi) right all the way from Pieta to Gozo.
Mark Fenech
@Polly. Tista tghidilna minn fejn ġibta din li l-maġġoranza tal-Maltin ma jaqblux ma din il-liġi. Ghamilt xi referendum inti waħdek. Aħna jimpurtana x'għidu l-Maltin u mhux x'għidu l-MEPs ta' stati oħra għax dawk huma kompetituri tagħna, u mhux sejrin jaħslulek wiċċek biex tkun isbaħ minnhom.
Il-glieda imisa ilha li bdiet minn meta Gonzi beda jarmi l-assi ta Malta bil qamel, meta beda jittrata li haddiem bhala skart. Insejtu li lil haddiem Gonzi hadlu il leave u meta l-ewropa ta Kain qalet lil gvern li il haddiem ghandu dritt bqajna ma hadna xejn. Dak in nhar tal UHU baqu imwahin ma Gvern Nazzjonalista. Il-Gvern Nazzjonalista imexxi minn Fenech Adami u Gonzi faqqru lil malta u issa il-haddiem iridu ibghatu il-konsegwenzi tas-serq sparparjar, imbrolji u abbuzi li ghamlu f'hamsa u ghoxrin sena.
Il President Abela rega ghamel wahda minn tieghu.... Jekk il maggoranza tal-maltin ma jaqblux ma dina l-ligi u 90% tal MEPs tal UE ivvutaw kontra ukoll, kont nistenna li ghallinqas ma jitkellem xejn. Imma kompla ghamel hsara lill Maltin li ma jaqblux ma dina l-ligi. Din hija glieda ghall Maltin kollha u mhux ghall xi partit. Din il laburisti ma humiex jifhmuha ghax hekk jaqblilhom. Bit-tghajjir, insulti u minacci tafu sinjuri laburisti x'jigrilkom....... tergaw tmorru dritt fl'oppozizzjoni.
Simon is opposing this investment scheme not because of 'principles'-his members were key sponsors until a few days ago- but he is against it because its success would be the end to his political career!
.... mela issa se nisimghu lil xmun l-iskarjota johodha kontra l-president, hux hekk? ..... bil-logika perfetta tal-buzu tar-rahal, imwiezen mill-helu beppe (li kien waqa' fi sprall quddiem cordina) u ta' dak il-helu l-iehor id-demark (ta' xagharu mberfel biex ikun sexy minghalih) .... issa ghandhom jifthulha kontra l-president ..... nistennew u naraw .....
So the President is in favor of the IIP program.and simple simon said that Joseph is all alone on the issue,Nice one simon,you have a long and long and long job being in opposition.