Seif al-Islam Gaddafi rebukes UN no-fly zone, 'we have no fear'

One of Gaddafi's sons, Seif al-Islam assured that his family has "no fear" of the no-fly zone.

The measure, imposed by the UN Security Council, and a possible multinational attack did not worry the colonel's second-born.

"We are in our country and with our people. And we have no fear", he said during an interview with ABC News, speaking on the phone from the Libyan capital. "We have no fear, come along. I must say, though, that you will not help the people bombing Libya and killing Libyan citizens. If you destroy our nation, nobody will rejoice", Seif stated.

We must thank God for our neutrality. The Arabian Nights never were easy to unravel. We'll have to wait a long time before we see the end of this story. I too tend to agree that Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici's services may come in handy in dire situations such as these. Incidentally one would like to see more sober contributions on this board and leave flippant ones to other blogs.
Let's hope in case of military intervention, him and his father would not start shoting missiles indiscreminately with us in the way. When cornered even the most feeble puppy can bite. In my humble opinion I think Malta should take the last chance to mediate and convince the Gadaffi family to scram to some dictators' haven for the time being. Maybe the government should ask KMB to interveen for Malta's sake and that of all those who might get hurt, arabs or not, after all we were promised: FLIMKIEN Kollox Possibli, Why not finding a peaceful solution to this saga.?
Helenio Galea
The mad puppy of libya
Most probably the Gaddafi family already have a country where to go to. That is why they are not afraid.
Keith Goodlip
Obviously takes after his father, totally detached from reality.
So why is he shelling his own people???????