Libya announces ceasefire, but rebels call it a 'bluff' as Misurata bombings continue

Libya has announced a ceasefire from all hositilities against the rebels, and has promised to "fully respect" all humanitarian laws, but rebels are insisting that it's a "bluff" as bombings in Misurata are continuing.

Libya’s foreign minister announced an immediate ceasefire during a press conference on Friday afternoon. The announcement comes in response to a United Nations Security Council resolution late Thursday night to impose a no-fly zone in Libya, authorizing “all necessary measures” to stop the ongoing violence in Libya.

The foreign minister said Libya is acting to protect civilians in acordance with the UN Security Council resolution.

“We emphasize our request for all international governments and NGOs to check the facts on the ground by sending fact-finding missions to Libya so they can take the right positions based on the facts,” concluded the foreign minister in his address.

The UN resolution imposes a no-fly zone over Libya and authorizes force, short of a ground offensive, to protect the Libyan people from Gaddafi’s forces. While in Tunisia, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a no-fly zone would include “bombing targets like the Libyan defense systems.”

The decision was made hours after Gaddafi vowed in “harrowing terms” to launch a final assault and “crush the weeks-old rebellion against him,” reported the Associated Press. Gaddafi’s forces have continually used extreme violence against demonstrators since an uprising began in February to topple his rule, following successful uprisings in Tunisis and Egypt.

The UN resolution was approved by 10 of the 15-member assembly, with 5 abstentions. It was backed by the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. China and Russia were among those who abstained.

In related news, four New York Times journalists held by pro-Gaddafi forces since Tuesday will be released Friday, Gaddafi’s son told ABC’s Christine Amanpour.

Albert Zammit
You call Gaddafi a 'murderer'. True. Very true. Yet, you have already been told that this murderer was treated with smiles, handshakes and hugs by all and sundry!
Albert Zammit
Antoine Vella - you are listening far too much to Daphne. I can read her mind through your words. Jaqaw m'ghandekx sinsla bizzejjed biex tahseb ghal rasek?
Martin, it has nothing to do with my being a nerd. Someone from Il-Pjazza told me who you are and gave me proof. I don't really care but it intrigues me why people like you are so unnerved when their identity is revealed. - I called Gaddafi a murderer. What do you call him?
@antoin vella OK have it your way anyway you are a disillusioned little nerd who thinks much of himself,if you want to call me balky that's your choice I hope the guy is not offended. Like I already said and quoted from your post, or like gonzi tend to forget what you say or write a little while back. You called Gadaffi a murderer and yes PN/gonziPN have been dealing with the murderer for over 20 odd years and then you have the gal to go to a forum and act as if you never had anything to do with him. I repeat, only a few days ago gonzi was hugging Gadaffi and it was EFA who gave him Gih ir-Republika, now get out of that nerd.
Everybody is innocent until proved guilty; so let us wait for the court judgement before jumping to conclusions. I am sure these prior announcements mean that he is already found guilty. What is very clear is that the Libyan Oil is very rich in quality and in price. It is worth millions every day. As a Maltese, I really hope that this ends well because we are so near geographically. Any warfare is detrimental to our Islands.
Antoine, please always remember that your Gonzi was the LAST dignitary to lick his boots (I am so polite that I refrain from using the other 'a'--' 'word). He will in fact go in history for it. Just imagine Gonzi from the PN the last western premier to lick his boots when historically in the '70s the Nazzjonalisti used to call the Libyans 'tal-habbaziiez' and according to Michael Reafal (your ex PN Minister) the Libyan tourists brought 'stuffat' with them while on visit to Malta. That is why Refalo will for ever be remembered as Dr Stuffatu! Antone, if is really your name, it is time for you to open your mind and grow up.
U iva . . sometimes it's Balky and sometimes Martin. Please yourself. . Yes, PN governments have been dealing with Gaddafi like all other governments and that's bad enough. But it was Mintoff who admired Gaddafi, called him brother and allowed him to meddle in Malta's internal affairs. All this for money and because, being himself a bully, Mintoff admired Gaddafi's dictatorship. . There will be time for Malta to discuss the relative responsibility of the two parties. Meanwhile what is of concern today is that Mintoffjani like you are rooting for the murderer and don't try to deny it. You would dearly like Gaddafi to remain in power. . PS. That Gaddafi is a murderer are not "my words". By referring to them as my words you are showing that your sympathies lie with the murderer
@antoin vella Can't understan why you keep addressing balky, anyways, if Gadaffi is "to realise that Malta is vulnerable to Gaddafi because he is a vicious murderer?" your own words, don't forget that your dear gonz was hobnobbing with him just aweek before events and your even more beloved EFA gave him "Gih ir-Republika". Don't try to change the argument that Mintoff and KMB were also his friends, but for the last 20 years or so the nazzi party was in government and presently we have gonziPN is at the helm. This only means that your dear party has been dealing with this "murderer" (your own words) for the past 20 years, you gave them your vote so you yourself are an accessory to murder.
@Antoine Vella Have you read what your Simon Busutill has said. THAT is what makes us really vulnerable! By the way why mention Balky. I haven't seen any blog by Balky, that it unless you know otherwise!
Balky, what does it take for you to realise that Malta is vulnerable to Gaddafi because he is a vicious murderer? It has nothing to do with the EU or America. He's a bloody terrorist and the sooner you accept it the better.
This latest event shows how vulnerable Malta is as part of the EU. Untill the USA got into the fray Gadaffi was still defiant and threatening which made Malta exposed to possible frenzied indiscriminate acts of retaliation. It is only fair now that a ceasefire has been announced all those concerned take up the invitation to make their enquiries in Libya itself to verify the truth.
He knew what was coming! Not as stupid as one might think, though. Who knows, by these tactics, he might secure a bargain for his exit from Libya without being charged at the Hague!