Video | Malta 'willing to collaborate' in Libya ceasefire monitoring
“Malta appeals to Gaddafi and to the regime to stop the violence immediately and to stop the loss of life. We need to get the region settled, and we need to give the people what they deserve," Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi told Al Jazeera when interviewed by David Frost.
The Maltese government has declared that any monitoring of a Libyan ceasefire should be carried out under the auspices of the United Nations.
"A ceasefire in Libya is a requisite of Resolution 1973 of the United Nations Security Council of the 17 March 2011... If requested by the United Nations, the Maltese government would be willing to collaborate in this regard."

Simple: he agrees with the Prime Minister that our safety is his first concern. Got it?

mario grillo •
Fed Up: can you please explain to me how is joseph from the opposition "keeping us from harm" ? Tnx

Malta is our island home...a fortress for others. We don't have an airforce or a navy; actually we don't have enough living space let alone opt to become AGAIN a military base! During the Second World War we fought like lions and were treated like dirt; we still bear the brunt of Nazi bombardment -see the Opera House- we were declined Marshall Aid and as a gratitude UK declined to integrate us with its living standards.Instead we were givine the George Cross; it comes cheaper than Marshall Aid!
This is the real history of Malta! So you want us to become (again) a military target when airplanes from Sigonella can do with the same efficiency what the planes can do from vulnerable Malta? Those of you who want some actions and fun, go and play rugby or play console games; we are not kids! A big thanks for Mintoff who stuck his neck out to implant in the constitution, with the reluctant help of the PN, the Neutrality clause. Thanks Mintoff, thanks Gonzi, thank Joseph from keeping us from harml:AMEN

Albert Zammit •
Jien nisthi nghid li jien Malti, imma meta naqra kummenti bhal dawk ta' 'martin borg'.
@ 'Schlangina' - Trid tifhem li d-decizjonijiet ta' PM f'dan il-waqt huma difficli hafna. Bl-ebda mod m'hu se 'joghgob' lil kulhadd. Almenu, qed jaghmel dak li huwaz zgur li ghandu jaghmel: jipprotegi lill-pajjiz u lill-poplu. Taqbel jew ma taqbilx mieghu, trid taghtih ragun, hawnhekk.
U jekk iddecieda mod iehor? U sar strajk mill-ajru? Xi nghidu ghal Gonzi umbaghad? Holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt! Specjalment dawn in-nofs tuzzana zriemeg li jiktbu f'dawn il-kolonni!

Donella Agius •
L-attitudni ta´Gonzi zgur ma tirrapprezentax l-ideja tal-poplu malti. Qed juri biss kemm hu maqtugh mir-realta, u mohhu biss biex ma jiksirhiex ma Gaddafi. Forsi ghal avukat hu tajjeb, pero zgur mhux bhala Prim Ministru ta´ Malta libera. Joe Muscat tal-oppozizjoni jinsab mutu ghal kollox ghax ma jridx jurta lil Gaddafi. Veru Gvern u Oppozizzjoni tal-misthija. Bl-imgieba ta dawn it-tnejn, tisthi tghid li int malti.

Kwazi kollox hu possibli bi ftit ghajnuna minn Alla u mhuz ghaliex jghid hekk gonzi.

Few weeks ago , these countries sold Gaddafi, millions in Euro of weapons.
Few weeks after , they are attacking him.
It's all crazy.
When he was in power they all wanted to make business with him. and selling him weapons.
Than all of a sudden the Libya uprising.
Now they want him to go.
Ironic isn't it.
Why they ever made business with him and sold him weapons??
why they all welcomed him with red carpet?
Was he not always a regime leader?
That is politics.........
What a mess is happening now, and what a mess will be after-
I hope it will not be another Afghanistan and Iraq.....After war.. which came much worse than the war itself.

Din mhux loghba battleship ta kulhadd imexxi u jispara fuq il-vapuri, u bit-tazza tal-cafe fil-genb ta'. Issa waslet fl-ahhar il-loghba naqra interventi hfief u immirati biex nilbsu kostum sabih, u nhallu kollox jimxi wahdu

Lino Camilleri •
jiddispjacini nghidlek prim li qieghed tahli il hin. L-anqas jisma mill pampaluni tad dinja ahseb hu ara minnha. Issa fuckin too late. Xeba jittnejjek b'kullhadd. L-UN, in nato, EU u l-kumplament biex jidhru u jaghmlu it tijatrini tajbin biss.
Ghalfejn hallew kollox ghal l-ahhar u xorta ghadhom jiddiskutu fil waqt lit tirann tiga qieghed gewwa benghazi. Loghba tintenn nahseb.