Sgarbi, Italy’s chief provocateur, says Italy should choose non-belligerence like Malta

Given that Malta, like Italy, is one of the closest countries to Libya, and is not consenting to allowing its military bases used, “why should Italy?” asks Vittorio Sgarbi.

In an opinion piece published in , Sgarbi writes that “There is no good reason to allow Americans and French use of our (Italy’s) bases in Gioa delle Colle, Trapani, and Sigonella,”

Sgarbi argued that previously, the whole world had witnessed how Italy was the first to thaw out relations between Libya and the rest of the world, and how this ‘evolution’ had interested France, the UK, and even the US. “Gaddaffi, always the same, had he become good? No.”

Sgarbi said that he had simply opted to make the most of a consolidated situation and was driven by the necessity to find a secure ally against the flow of immigration that interested mainly Italy, if not the US.

“Why are we today discovering that Gaddafi is not a democratic leader? He never was.”

He added that the social unrest in Libya is not simply a popular insurrection by the people for a democratic awakening of the country, but a war between tribes in a complicated system that is moved by interests completely separate to those held by the people.

He argued that should Gaddafi’s regime fall, it will not be democracy to replace it, but a web of interests and alliances of the tribal families that will grasp power from the people, establishing a new regime.

@ Observer What a rant - you should really take it easy. Think of your blood pressure I don't care (to put it politely) who agrees with Sgarbi and why. I just think he is a lod-mouthed lout who's only claim is that he regularly make an idiot of himself on TV. As you are doing here.
Ganni Borg, my dear friend, if you are sitting you may be interested to know that Sgarbi's advice has in the meantime been taken by Storace, Di Pietro, La Russa, even your own Roberto Formigoni. These gentlemen are all urging their government to take its distance from the aggressive Franco-British alliance and look after the interests of their country. This, I assure, is the latest news from the Italian front. If you are not impressed by that, well, then you're ... hopeless and may go back to your Rambo dreams and war comics. They may be more within the reach of your IQ. Well, not only yours really, but that of many another zatat like Antoine Vella and the rest of the Witch's elves.
I would mention a few who would. D'Alema, Prodi, Dini, Berlusconi. They all took him along with them when they repeatedly visited Libya. The only reason for his presence during high level talks between the two countries must have been his esteemed knowledgeability not merely in the arts but in the socio-economic aspects of international relations. Ganni Borg, have you ever been invited by at least your local mayor to brief him on the draining system in your hometown? If not, just sit down and keep quiet while the elders have their say. Listen and learn, Gann.
How can anybody take anything Sgarbi says seriously?
Sgarbi gives credance to what a number of us have been saying all along especially the part were he says that Gadaffi didn't turn sour only recently.
I bet that our hawkish rambos expressing their views that government should allow foreign forces to use Malta as a base, will be the first to wet their pants if just one bomb were to fall on Maltese soil !!. Why don't you all form a brigade and offer your services to NATO ?. But I forgot. Obama said there will be no boots on the ground !!. By the look of it these Rambos do not know what real war is. Ask those who have gone through one. Ask your grandfathers and grandmothers. About the UN Resolutions. I'll start taking them seriously when action is taken against Israel for ignoring every resolution passed against it throughout the years. NEVER an action, albeit small,was ever taken by the UN for this lack of compliance. So, it seems there are two weights and two measures. Look at the massacres in the Ivory Coast ?. Where is Sarkozy ?. Where is the UNSC ?. What about the fighting and killings i n Uganda, the Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Bahrain, to name a few ??. Shall we call this hypocrisy or what ?. Only time matures a person.
Igor P. Shuvalov
What Sgarbi says about tribal war and the possibilty of a new regime being established makes a lot of sens