China highlights US military competition in government white paper

China says the United States is increasing its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, an area which is becoming increasingly "volatile".

It also says there has been a rise in operations directed against China.

The views were made in China's National Defence white paper, issued by the government. It outlines the country's current views on security issues and gives an overview of its military forces.

In the document, released today, China gives an assessment of the regional security situation.

"Profound changes are taking shape in the Asia-Pacific strategic landscape. Relevant major powers are increasing their strategic investment," it says.

"International military competition remains fierce."

The document singles out the United States. According to China, it is reinforcing military alliances and getting more involved in regional affairs.

Beijing also says foreigners are now more suspicious of China - and have increased "interference and countering moves" against it.

Relations between China and the United States, particularly on military matters, have been strained over recent years. Tension eased slightly following a state visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao's to the United States earlier this year.

But the potential for disagreement remains high.

"We admit that our military ties continue to face difficulties and challenges," said Colonel Geng Yansheng, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, at a press conference to launch the white paper.

US support for Taiwan is one issue which threatens the relationship the most, a self-governing island off China's eastern coast that Beijing considers its own.

"The United States continues to sell weapons to Taiwan, severely impeding Sino-US relations," says the white paper.

Col Geng made it clear that the two countries must respect each other's core interests. For China, that includes Taiwan.