Hundreds killed in Ivory Coast war

Forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara, president of the Rally of the Republicans (RDR) have taken control of the state-run television and attacked Ivory Coast’s President Laurent Gbagbo’s residence.

Fierce fighting spread across Abidjan as troops loyal to Gbagbo fended off attacks by the forces supporting Ouattara. Reportedly, the heaviest clashest were around the state television station, as Ouattara’s supporters attempted to take over control.

More fire shots were heard constantly from near Gbagbo’s residence and presidential palace, both of which have come under attack. Two major military bases have also been attacked, turning Abidjan into a war zone.

The whereabouts of Gbagbo, who refused to cede power after a disputed November election, were not known. The French ambassador to Ivory Coast said on France Info radio that Gbagbo's residence was empty.

Two white MI-24 attack helicopters belonging to the United Nations peacekeeping mission circled above central Abidjan's palm-fringed lagoon, but did not intervene.