13 Libyan rebels thought to be killed by NATO airstrikes

At least 13 people are reported to have been killed when a coalition plane flying over Libya fired on a rebel convoy between Brega and Ajdabiya yesterday, the rebels say.

Doctors at a hospital in Ajdabiya told the BBC that three medical students were among the dead. Meanwhile, NATO said it was looking into the incident, but stressed it was very difficult to verify details about what happened.

The Libyan rebel forces said 13 fighters and seven civilians were accidentally killed.

The attack came after rebels reportedly fired an anti-aircraft gun. The rebel convoy was on its way to the front line near Brega when the attack took place. A BBC correspondent said the road to the front line “is riddled with holes caused by what looks like a NATO A10 aircraft”.

He added on either side of the road are the remains of four pick-up trucks and one ambulance as well as the graves of those killed in the attack.

An ambulance remains?????? How true it is to find a solution around the table and not by rifle!!!!!!