Rebels say no to Gaddafi’s sons taking over

Libyan rebels said Col Muammar Gaddafi’s entire family must leave before there can be an end to the fighting.

The comments were made following reports the regime is pursuing a ceasefire and his sons want to oversee a transition.

Meanwhile, rebel forces tried again to recapture the oil town of Brega, advancing to the outskirts only to be forced back under artillery fire.

Italy has now announced it was joining France and Qatar in recognising the rebels’ Transitional National Council, and said it would send ships and planes to evacuate the wounded from Misrata.

After Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou held talks with Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Abdelati Laabidi, Greece said Gaddafi’s regime “was looking for a solution”.

The Greek foreign minister also said he saw a chance for a diplomatic solution. “There is mobility and there is a chance, albeit small, for a politico-diplomatic solution,” Dimitris Droutsas said.

This shows that the rebels simply want to continue fighting because they have the backing of the colonialist forces. Otherwise they would have accepted to stop the fighting, conclude an agreement with a specific time limit within which general elections and a new Constitution would have been made and Gaddafi's sons leave power. In fact, they are giving the colonialists the chance to deal with them and giving away their oil as it has been announced that the ENI chief is in Benghazi to strike a deal with the rebels on oil and energy products. Any further evidence needed that it was all a question of oil and not human suffering?
But suppose in the mean time Saif promises democratic elections and a parliament instaed of the Jahamariya?
Albert Zammit
Quite right, too. This would be a ploy to trick the LIbyan people - old Muammar departs but leaves more Gaddafis in his wake. No way. The sons could prove to be much worse than the father.