Ivory Coast’s presidential residence 'taken' by forces loyal to UN-recognised leader

Forces loyal to Ivory Coast's UN-recognised president Alassane Ouattara are claiming to have captured the besieged incumbent's residence in the main city of Abidjan.

Ouattara's government said its troops had overrun the home of Laurent Gbagbo, who refuses to step down, and were scouring the compound for him. The forces have undertaken a military offensive, kicked off last week and sweeping in from the north and west.

Gbagbo has refused to leave office despite UN-approved results saying he lost presidential elections in November.

However there is so far no independent confirmation of reports that pro-Ouattara forces have taken full control of Gbagbo's compound, as the residence is reportedly spread out over many levels.

Ouattara spokespeople added that in the eventuality that Gbagbo was captured, he would be arrested and "brought to justice".

London-based Gbago advisors have however dismissed the claims, attributing the rumours to “propaganda” and “a war of psychology.”

The BBC however reports that Gbago was rumoured to have been seen on the compound somewhere.

One of Gbagbo's advisers in London, Abdon George Bayeto, dismissed claims the residence had fallen.

In the meantime, UN and French helicopters attacked Gbagbo's arsenal on Monday evening, firing missiles at his heavy weapons and military camps.

The UN secretary general said they launched air raids against pro-Gbagbo forces in retaliation for the alleged use of heavy weapons against civilians.

UN peacekeeping chief Alain Le Roy said the decision had been based on a strongly worded UN Security Council resolution authorising such action.

The use and calibre of heavy weapons by Gbagbo forces had, he said, escalated sharply in recent days.

The UN mission had also been under almost continuous attack, he said.

The French have beefed up their forces in the country to 1,650 soldiers in recent days as they prepared to evacuate foreign nationals.

Post-election violence in Ivory Coast has left hundreds dead and has forced up to one million people to flee.

The UN has sent an envoy to investigate a massacre of hundreds of civilians in the western town of Duekoue last week.

Each side has blamed the other for the killings which the International Committee of the Red Cross says claimed at least 800 lives.