‘Migrants are invaders, shoot them like we did to the Red Brigades’ – Italy MPs

Senior officials within Italy’s Northern League party – a key ally to Silvio Berlusconi’s government – have controversially suggested the "use of force” against migrant boats “invading territorial waters".

The shocking statements were made by deputy minister Roberto Castelli and MEP Francesco Speroni, who during two separate radio debates insisted that “migrant boats must be repelled and Italy stands its ground to defend its national interests.”

Castelli stressed that “Italy must be prepared to take all necessary measures to fight back the boats.

“What if they have guns, what do you think we should do? Stand still and do nothing? We should respond with adequate force, just like we did with the Red Brigades” Castelli said.

Meanwhile, MEP Francesco Speroni stressed that the use of force against migrant boats would be “perfectly legitimate” as a measure of defence against “invaders.”

“If the Tunisians shoot at our fishing boats for slightly veering into their territorial waters, then who are we not to shoot at the migrant boats leaving Tunisia. No migrant has the word ‘migrant’ written on his forehead...if they come from Malta or Canada, would they still be asylum-seekers?” Speroni said on Radio24.

Georgette Bezzina
Fascism in Italy never died; it simply lay dormant awaiting the right time to make a comeback. During the last war they blamed the communists now they are blaming the Sicilians and illegal immigrants.
This ia cheap tabloid jounalism. No one wants to shoot at people. Indeed, the problems tha Maltese have are not with the poor immigrants, but with the EU, whose heart bleed for the immigrants ...on paper, and then does nothing concretlty, except passing the buck to little Malta. Until the European capitalists continue to exploit the Africans, sell arms to tyrants, hand on commissions to corrupt African leaders, and exploit the African resources for cheap money, or worse, getting Europeans-especially UK French, Belgian italina and Dannish companies OWNING the African resources, we will still continue to have people crossing the Med on derilict boats- dying on their way to Eldorado. WE must teach Africans how to fish and not give them a few fish to eat. They must fight for their liberty and for a just homeland. A minority of these Africans cross over to Europe whilst the multitude ( millions) continue to live there in squalor! What is the EU doing for these people there ? NOTHING. They want to leave the Africans in this condition so that the Europeans will reap diamonds, coal, wood, gold, cocoa, etc. We never hear anything about these scandals. Why?
The alarming part is that lega nord are not a fringe party but a strong junior partner in the italian government
This is what you get when 'national interest" becomes a blanket excuse for everything.