Battle rages on, Gaddafi denies use of cluster bombs

As Col Muammar Gaddafi denies using cluster bombs on Misurata, opposition forces continue their fight to take control of Brega.

The Libyan rebels have advanced from Ajdabiya toward the oil port town of Brega in the country’s east, Al Jazeera reports.

Following NATO air strikes along the coastal roads, the anti-Gaddafi forces said they had reached Brega, taking with them engineers to repair the damaged oil infrastructure in the oil town.

But Gaddafi’s troops are still guarding the area with Brega’s centre. One of the rebels said they are only controlling the edge of the city.

The battle between the two forces yesterday has left six anti-government forces dead and 16 wounded.

“We were in our vehicles and they opened fire with rockets,” said an injured fighter.

Meanwhile, Libyan state TV has reported that NATO air strikes have targeted Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte, whilst the city of Misrata has continued to come under attack, with food industry facilities reportedly damaged.

A Libyan told news media: “They are trying to starve us to death, attacking the dairy, the water purification plant.”