UK to take 5,000 migrants out of Misrata

The UK said it is going to help take out 5,000 migrants trapped by fighting in Misrata.

UK’s international development secretary Andrew Mitchell said funds of £1.5 million would pay for charter ships to get people out of Mistrata and provide medical supplies.

Mitchell said Britain would help fund their evacuation by ships chartered by the International Organization for Migration.

Further funds, coming from the department’s humanitarian aid funds, would go towards the International Medical Corps (IMC) to provide medical aid for those caught up in violence across western Libya.

In comments to the BBC, Mitchell said Britain would continue to do everything it could to press for access to people in need, and would try to ensure the international community lined up behind UN efforts to help Libyan civilians trapped by the fighting.

"It is extremely important that the international community provides the necessary humanitarian support to help with that."

Probabli ftehmu li sejrin jiehdu 2500 Franza u 2500 l-Ingilterra jekk ikun hemm izjed minn 5000 imorru l-amerika...komplew ftehmu li jekk mar-ratio jorbtu kif jaqsmu d-dhul miz-zejt allura jiehdu xi haga minnhom it-taljani. lol
Nahseb li ghal Malta Sur-Borg! Ghax Cameron diga qal li l-valuri tieghu ipprostitwixhom diga, ghax ma jridx aktat immigranti illegali jew legali lejn pajjizu. Nghidlek il-verita I smell a rat! Mill-banda l-ohra jekk dawn huma feruti Libjani, dawn ghandna niehdu hsiebhom u nghinuhom; l-ohrajn insifruhom lejnl Ewropa tal-voluntary burden sharing li bala GonziPN!
The million dollar questio: Would Britain be hosting these 5000 migrants or is Malta somehow part of the equation?