Italian navy saves over 1,100 migrants

Boat migrants saved in waters south of Sicily

The Italian navy has rescued more than 1,100 migrants from nine large rafts in the waters south of Sicily, Italian media has reported.

Patrol helicopters identified the rafts on Wednesday and four navy vessels participated in the rescue which ended early today, Thursday, a statement from the Italian navy said.

The nationalities of the migrants has not yet been established.

In October, 366 Eritreans drowned in a shipwreck near the shore of the Italian island of Lampedusa, which is located about halfway between Sicily and Tunisia. More than 200, mostly Syrians, died in another shipwreck a week later.

Over the past two decades, Italy, Greece and Malta have borne the brunt of migrant flows and have urged the EU to make a more robust and coordinated response.

I totally agree wioth Avukat. Just sednd one group back and the fglow will dry up.
If they are not all sent back to send the message that illegal entry into a coutnry shall not be allowed the invasion will continue and increase.