Seven dead in series of deadly car bombs

At least seven killed in a spate of car bombs targeting Shia neighbourhoods and markets

At least seven people have been killed in a series of deadly car bombs in Baghdad; hours after American lawmakers lambasted its Iraqi counterparts for the lack of progress on political reconciliation.

Four of the targeted neighbourhoods are populated mostly by the Shia majority, while the other bombings were in the commercial Karrada district of central Baghdad.

All car bombs were detonated in parked cars.

The bombings come a day after a spate of attacks in Baghdad killed 33, including 25 killed in a series of blasts near the heavily-fortified Green Zone, which is home to parliament, the prime minister's office and the US and British embassies.

They are all part of a wave of violence across the country in February that has left 112 civilians dead in just the first four days.

No group has yet to claim responsibility for the attack but Sunni fighter groups have in the past taken credit for bombings in the capital targeting Shia Muslims.