Facebook marks 10 years since humble beginning

The social network Mark Zuckerberg set up at Harvard University celebrates 10 years online with some 1.2 billion monthly users.

In its first decade Facebook has garnered users from all over the globe keen to communicate with friends, post updates and share photographs.

The social network - which was established by Mark Zuckerberg while at Harvard University - has grown to become a multi-billion dollar company.

Last week the company reported record revenues of $2.5 billion (€1.85 billion) from 750 million daily users.

But the birthday celebrations come amid uncertainty from analysts over the future of the social network.

Markos Zachariadis, an assistant professor at the Warwick Business School, has researched the company and innovation in social networks.

He said Facebook could be in danger of being overtaken by other online networks.

"It is the largest social network in the world, but many are questioning whether it will survive another 10 years," Zachariadis said.

"Another innovation and network may come along to threaten its dominant position in the market. But Facebook is in a good position to expand and grow further, thus creating a strong 'network effect' and adding new services to keep users engaged."