Spain abortion restriction to spark mass protests

Thousands of people plan to march in Madrid against government’s plan to restrict women’s access to abortion


Tens of thousands of people and more than 300 groups are expected to match in downtown Madrid on Saturday to protest against the Spanish government's plan to severely restrict women's access to abortion.

The protesters plan to march to the Spanish parliament to present a letter demanding the government to abandon its push to enact restrictions on abortion.

In late December, the governing People's party approved a bill that would see Spanish women only be able to terminate pregnancies in the case of rape or when there was a serious mental or physical health risk to the mother.

The legislation is expected to pass in late spring.

Recent polls show between 70% and 80% of Spaniards oppose the changes. Protests have been taking place almost every other day across the country, ranging from the women who delivered 220 letters to the French embassy requesting "health asylum" to the Andalucian youth who held signs on street corners asking people to spare change so they could "travel to London for an abortion" or "pay for a clandestine abortion".

Saturday's protest will be a show of force by a movement that has been steadily growing since the government announced their plans.

Solidarity protests are also being planned in Britain, France, Brussels, Italy and Ecuador.

Some of the most vocal opponents of the law have been members of the governing PP, leading to factions within the party.

The infighting began when José Antonio Monago, a senior PP leader, urged the government to abandon its legislative plans  

"Nobody can deny a woman the right to be a mother, and neither can anybody force a woman to become one," he said.

Denying a woman rights to protect her body is fundamentally wrong and that is why these women are out protesting in their thousands to safeguard their own human rights to abortion if they are raped or risk their own life during delivery. We need to introuce these laws to malta, maybe not now but surely very soon. This is what europe is all about, we are a secular democratic country and we need to change our outlooks.
"Nobody can deny a woman the right to be a mother, and neither can anybody force a woman to become one," he said." Those who do not want to become mothers can then practice one of three options . 1. Do not have sex, 2. Go and get neutered like cats and dogs 3. Use condoms and/or safe period. Abortion despite what those in favour say is MURDER in the first Degree.
Mintoff was right. The European Union belongs to Cain. Cain killed his brother and the European Union is giving the Legal Right so that parents can kill their own children. No one has the right to MURDER anyone especially those who cannot defend themselves. Those who approve this right are MURDERERS or accomplice to MURDERS. How do we expect others to believe us in defending children that are being killed by unjust wars when we cannot defend those who are still to be born???? WE are a bunch of rotten, spineless and humans without a conscience. HUMAN HYPOCRITES.