Isreali-Palestinian peace talk to take place on September 2

The United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has confirmed that Israel and Palestinians will hold direct talks in Washington on September 2.

Clinton has confirmed that she has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to create a “just and lasting peace”.

News agencies have reported this meeting as a “diplomatic victory” for the White House which has been struggling to persuade both sides  to resume talks that broke down in December 2008.

Clinton said the talks will address “final status issues,” such as borders, Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees, adding that the US “fully supports a two-state solution in the Middle East.”

Whilst expecting a peace agreement to be completed “within a year”, she warns that, “there have been difficulties in the past, there will be difficulties ahead – I ask the parties to persevere, to keep moving forward even through difficult times.”