Iraqi Shia groups rally in show of power

Thousands parade across country after powerful cleric Moqtada al-Sadr calls on supporters to turn out in force.

The largest rally took place in the northern Baghdad suburb of Sadr City.
The largest rally took place in the northern Baghdad suburb of Sadr City.

Thousands of Shia Musli are taking part in rallies across Iraq vowing to protect their religious sites in a show of power that had been called for by influential Shia leader Moqtada al-Sadr.

The largest rally took place in the northern Baghdad suburb of Sadr City, where hundreds of men dressed in combat fatigues and carrying assault rifles marched in military formation.

Sadr is believed to have command of more than 10,000 fighters, most of whom have volunteered to fight alongside Iraqi security forces against Sunni rebels led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group.

The reemergence of the Mahdi Army, which was accused of involvement in Iraq’s sectarian conflict between 2006 and 2008, would heighten fears of a broader war between Sunni and Shia Musli.

Both the Iraqi government and Shia religious authorities have called on Iraqis to volunteer to fight a Sunni rebellion that has taken over big chunks of the country, including the cities of Mosul and Tikrit.

Police officials said that improvised explosive devices, or IED’s, were detonated in four areas across Baghdad’s Shia-populated neighbourhoods. At least nine people were killed and 15 injured.

On Saturday, rebels led by ISIL seized a border crossing with Syria near the town of Qaim about 320km from Baghdad, leaving about 30 Iraqi soldiers dead, the AP news agency reported.

AP also reported that the town of Rawah in Anbar province had been captured by ISIL fighters later the same day, citing the town’s mayor. The local army and police forces had pulled out when the fighters took control.