Thousands flee Israeli shelling on east Gaza

Heavy overnight bombardment causes desperate humanitarian crisis with people fleeing homes by foot.

Almost 400 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”. Dozens of children are among the dead.
Almost 400 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”. Dozens of children are among the dead.

Thousands of people have fled Gaza’s eastern district of Shujayea as heavy bombardment from Israeli tanks continued relentlessly into the morning, with the Palestinian death toll over the last 13 days reaching 397. 

The Palestinian enclave was hit overnight with the heaviest barrage of tank shells since the beginning of Israel’s offensive against Hamas on July 8. The eastern neighbourhoods of Shujayea, al-Shaaf and al-Tuffa were worst hit. 

Dozens of bodies were brought to hospitals on Sunday morning, medics said, and more are expected when ambulances are able to reach neighbourhoods east of Gaza City.

Those killed overnight in Shujayea included the son of senior Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya, Osama, his wife Hala and their two children. 

Almost 400 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”. Dozens of children are among the dead. 

Israel launched the offensive in response to rockets fired from Gaza and says it is targeting military installations of Hamas and other armed groups. However, the overwhelming majority of those killed and injured are Palestinian civilians. 

Israel announced on Saturday that four of its soldiers were killed in combat with Palestinian fighters, bringing the total death toll on the Israeli side to seven.