Ukraine says rebels blocking crash inquiry

Russia and separatists accused of trying to hide role in MH17’s downing, even as European monitors gain access to site.

Pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine are being accused of blocking the investigation into the apparent shooting-down of a Malaysian passenger jet with 298 people on board.

The accusations were made as observers from the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe visited the site on Saturday, a day after they were asked to leave after being given limited access to the farmland where the jet went down.

Ukraine’s government said that it had evidence Russia was helping pro-Moscow rebels cover up and destroy evidence from the crash site.

“Terrorists with the support of Russia are trying to destroy proof of this international crime,” the government said in a statement, adding that rebels had removed 38 bodies and were blocking Ukrainian investigators.

Ukraine accuses separatists backed by Russia of shooting down the jet, and Vitaly Nayda, Ukraine’s counter-intelligence chief, said: “We have compelling evidence that this terrorist act was committed with the help of the Russian Federation. We know clearly that the crew of this [missile] system were Russian citizens,” Nayda said.

Malaysia has sent investigators to Ukraine, and Malaysia’s transport minister said the country is “deeply concerned” that the crash site “has not been properly secured”.

Liow Tiong Lai said “the integrity of the site has been compromised, and there are indications that vital evidence has not been preserved in place”.