US President hopes Gaza ceasefire is extended

Fragile 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza held for the past 24 hours

The fragile 72-hour ceasefire in the disputed territory of Gaza has held for the past 24 hours, according to reports. The coast is far from clear however, with Israeli news agency Ynetnews reporting that Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman has accused Hamas of coercion on Thursday, after the organization’s officials denied reports of an extension to the ceasefire.

In comments to the press, President Obama expressed hopes of the parties agreeing to an extension of the truce. He, too, had harsh words for Hamas  "I think it is important to remember that Hamas acts extraordinarily irresponsibly," Obama said, "putting civilians at risk" with its taunting of Israel, and its placement of rocket launchers in civilian areas during conflict with the Jewish state.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman accused Hamas of coercion in his comments to the press, after the organization's official denied reports of an extension to the ceasefire and they would resume fire as soon as soon as the 72 hours were up. "Israel will take this into account and is prepared for any eventuality."