AD congratulates Swedish Greens on electoral success

Alternattiva Demokratika congratulate Swedish Greens on the appointment of six ministers in new government

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven poses with his new government in front of the parliament building in Stockholm
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven poses with his new government in front of the parliament building in Stockholm

The Green Party today congratulated their Swedish colleagues who now have six ministers in the new coalition government.

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Arnold Cassola said "We congratulate the Swedish Greens for their recent success. We are convinced that the Greens in government will contribute to making Sweden an even more ecological and socially just country than it already is by introducing best practices that could serve as a model for all other Europeans."  

In September, the Social Democrats emerged as the leading party in the general elections ousting the center-right ruling coalition led by Fredrik Reinfeldt.

However, Stefan Lofven’s centre-left party fell short of an absolute majority and formed a minority government with the Green Party while seeking support from the Left Party for the upcoming budget.

The Swedish Greens have been given six ministries, including the climate and environment, education, housing, consumer affairs and culture portfolios. 

One of the new centre-left government's first decisions was to formally recognise the state of Palestine – making it the first major European country to do so.