Florida pastor confirms cancellation of Koran burnings

Terry Jones, pastor of a small church in Florida says he no longer plans to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Speaking during a television interview, the pastor said that, “right now we have plans not to do it.”

“We believe that the imam is going to keep his word, what he promised us yesterday,” he said, adding that as the imam said and promised, they will be meeting in New York tomorrow.

Yesterday, Pastor Terry Jones had agreed to cancel the book-burning after he said he was promised that a proposed mosque in New York would be moved away from the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Later outside his church in Gainesville, Florida, Jones claimed he was “lied to” after the Imam said there was no such deal.

In the meantime, outside NATO basis in Afghanistan, three people were shot and 11 others wounded as angry demonstrators have taken to the streets across Afghanistan in protest against the book-burning.

This mad Pastor was going to cause some horrific bloodshed Worldwide and the minimum the US Authorities can do is arrest him for enticement and for being responsible for all the deaths so far. I sincerely hope nobody else tries to turn these crazy ideas into reality. All Religions should be respected once and for all.
Well the rev. has made a good decision. If it was based on a lie on his part or the Imam's he played the ball well into the Imam's court because by connecting his decision with the decision of not having an Islamic center at ground Zero, being it a lie or not has put the pressure on the Imam. The game of politics at its best. You don't know when you are being lied at and by whom.