French parliament to vote on Palestine recognition

French lawmakers are set to vote on Tuesday to call on the government to recognize Palestine

French MPs are due to vote on a symbolic motion, urging the government to recognise Palestine as a state as frustration grows in Europe over the stalled Middle East peace process.

The motion is expected to sail through the lower house of the parliament at around 4pm. If the text is passed, it is likely to raise domestic political pressure on the French government to be more active on the issue.

While it is non-binding, Paris has in the past already made known that it plans to recognise a Palestinian nation "when the time comes", arguing that a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict logically implies recognition of Palestine.

The vote will likely anger Israel further as it does after similar resolutions were approved by British MPs on October 13 and Spanish MPs on November 18, and after Sweden's formal recognition of Palestine as a state on October 30.

The text introduced by the ruling Socialists "invites the French government to use the recognition of the state of Palestine as an instrument to gain a definitive resolution of the conflict".

Last week, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told MPs the UN Security Council was working on a resolution to relaunch and conclude peace talks.

"A deadline of two years is the one most often mentioned and the French government can agree with this figure," he said.

Fabius also said France was prepared to host international talks to drive the peace bid forward.

"An international conference could be organised. France is prepared to take the initiative on this. And in these talks, recognition [of the Palestinian state] would be an instrument... for the definitive resolution of the conflict," he said.

"If these efforts fail, if this last attempt at a negotiated settlement does not work, then France will have to do its duty and recognise the state of Palestine without delay and we are ready to do that," stressed Fabius, without fixing a deadline for such recognition.