Hundreds protest lack of indictment of NYPD officer in the death of Eric Garner

Amateur video shows an NYPD officer wrapping his hands around Garner's neck as the heavyset, asthmatic man gasped for air

A tribute to Eric Garner, who died in July when police placed the asthmatic man in a chokehold
A tribute to Eric Garner, who died in July when police placed the asthmatic man in a chokehold

Hundreds gathered in Washington D.C and New York City to protest a grand jury’s decision not to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, who was unarmed as he was put in a chokehold while being arrested earlier this year.

The grand jury declined to bring charges­ in the death of Garner, 43, from Staten Island, who died in July after a New York police officer placed him in an apparent chokehold during an arrest.

In the Garner case, amateur video shows NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo wrapping his hand around Garner's neck on 17 July as the heavyset, asthmatic man gasped for air.

The decision came after a similar one was taken by a court in Ferguson, Missouri, which declined to indict officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August of this year.

A fresh wave of protests and riots rocked Ferguson after the court judgement and triggered solidarity marches and protests across the country against the treatment of unarmed black men and teens at the hands of white law enforcement officials.