Schools reopen in Peshawar after Taliban attack

Teachers and students go back to school after the deadly Taliban attack which left 141 people dead last month

Schools in Pakistan reopen for the first time after Taliban massacre
Schools in Pakistan reopen for the first time after Taliban massacre

Schools across Pakistan are reopening after an extended break prompted by the gruesome Taliban attacks on December 16th.

Schools are expected to hold a ceremony to remember the victims of the horrible attack. The Taliban said that the attack, the group’s deadliest in Pakistan, was a reaction government offensive that started in June 2014 in a nearby area.

The attacks, which were condemned across the globe, and by the Afghan Taliban, led to the Pakistani government scrapping a prohibition on executions, and establishing military courts to try terrorism cases.

Security measures in all the schools in the country have been amped up ever since the attack with the government ordering institutions to “do more” to protect schoolchildren. Soldiers are standing guard at various locations of the army school where the attack took place, with particular attention being given to a locality behind the school, where at least seven gunmen broke into the school and killed 141 people in a hail of bullets. Over 130 of the victims of the attack were school children.